Dental Implants - Everything You Need to Know! (Part 2)

Do you have an upcoming implant treatment?

In the second part of this series, you will find more detailed information about the placement of dental implants. See the first part here: Part 1

In the second part of this series, you will find more detailed information about the placement of dental implants.
See the first part here:

8- Is it a counter effect to place dental implants on smokers or someone with diabetes, periodontitis?

Basal Implants is the best option in situations in which the patient wants quick recovering to their normal oral function, when previously suffering periodontitis. They are also a great solution for patients who are
smokers, due to the fact those types of implants are placed in the depth of the bone structure (hard bone), in comparison to the traditional implants which are placed in the soft bone, this lowers the risk of infection.

9- Can Dental Implants be placed on patients who do not have enough bone (bone atrophy)?

Basal Implants is the best option in situations in which the patient wants a quick recovery to their normal oral function, after previously suffering from insufficient amount of bone (bone atrophy). This has the advantage of less surgical involvement because the basal implants do not require additional surgical procedures for bone augmentation (a procedure which helps provide enough bone to place classical implants).

10- Is the procedure of placing dental implants painful?

No. Previous patients have shared that they feel fine during the procedure. Additionally, after the procedure of placing the dental implants, we prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

11- Is the postoperative period after placing the dental implants painful?

No. The patients have shared that they feel fine after the procedure. After the procedure of placing the dental implants, we prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

12- How adaptive is the new construction on the patient after placing the dental implants?

After cementing the permanent construction on the patient, roughly one week is needed for the patient to adapt with the change. In some cases, this happens a few hours after the cementation of the new construction.

13- What types of food can the patient consume after the dental implant procedure?

Immediately after the placement of the dental implants, the patient should not consume any food, in a period of two hours. In the following days, until the permanent construction is placed with the crowns, it is advisable that the patient consumes soft foods, liquids, and cold foods (eggs, bananas, cooked vegetables, cut in small pieces meat, yogurt, milk, soups, puree etc). From 3 to 6 months after the placement of the construction, the patient must follow a diet. After this period ends, the patient is free to consume any types of food.

14- What is the oral hygiene that needs to be met by the patient after placing the dental implants and the permanent construction with the crowns?

The oral hygiene standard for your new smile is the same as with your natural teeth. It is necessary that you use a toothbrush, toothpaste and a waterpik. No matter how precise the construction is set over the tissues, it is still possible for food to get stuck, and cause bad breath. The use of waterpik, combined with a toothbrush and a toothpaste, you will have good and healthy oral hygiene.

15- How often do I need to visit my dentist after the placement of the dental implants?

It is advisable that after the cementation of the permanent construction the patient has regular check-ups. This is the procedure for check-ups: 1 week after the cementation of the construction, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years. If the patient does not have the opportunity to visit the clinic in person, it is recommended that on the 6th month after the cementation of the dental implants, to have a check-up panoramic x ray scan and send it to the doctor treating the patient via email.

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