Diet regime after placing the basal implants.

Can you eat any types of food immediately after going through dental implantological treatment?

In most cases, before going through the dental implantological treatment, patients in most cases have used a removable dental prosthetic and have experienced discomfort and inability to enjoy foods they desire. After placing dental implants and crowns, they cannot wait until they can eat absolutely anything they wish, but is this possible or do they have to follow a strict diet? Read in the following article.

The dental implantological treatment is already completed and you have a completely new smile, and your chewing function is fully restored. However, does this mean that the treatment was successful? The answer is 80%. Where is the rest 20%? In your hands! The treatment will be 100% successful, only if you strictly follow instructions given to you by your implantologists after the completion of the procedure.
In the dental clinic NuriDent, we place basal or classical implants. After the implant has been placed in the jaw, it needs time to integrate into the bone fully. This period is a key factor for the success of the treatment and during this period, major problems can be caused, especially concerning the consummation of hard foods, which can cause problems in the future. Due to this, we created a guide, with the aim of helping patients after their dental implantological treatment.

Foods, which we consume in the day after operation:

* Smoothies
* All types of purees
* Cold cream soups
* Liquids (at a room temperature)
* Yogurt
* Bananas
* Avocado
Important Notice: DO NOT drink liquids with a straw in the same day as the operation after placing the dental implants. DO NOT consume alcohol and DO NOT use tobacco products.

Foods, which you should avoid 3 months after the manipulation of placing the dental implants:

* Hard foods- meats (except chopped into very small pieces), nuts or raw vegetables
* Crunchy foods
* Chewy foods
* Spicy foods
* Very hot foods or liquids

3 months after the treatment with dental implants you can go back to your usual menu, but with extreme attention. What do we have in mind?

If you love eating apples, do not bite it directly, but you should cut it in small pieces. Do you love pork? You should cut it in small pieces and consume it this way. It is necessary to do the same with other types of meats and all other hard foods, including nuts. Additionally, you can add to your menu, potatoes, rice, fish, eggs, all types of dairy products. Also, all types of fruits and vegetables are allowed, if you cut them up in small pieces, which are easy for chewing and in no way will they load the chewing apparatus.
It is necessary to follow a diet up to the 6th month after placing the basal implants. After the end of this period, the dental implants will integrate fully and you will be able to eat any types of food, of course with care.
In addition to food, this 20% of the treatments we mentioned also include oral hygiene, which the patient follows after the placement of dental implants. It should be more than flawless, and the patient should follow all the recommendations of their dentist.

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